Thursday 28 April 2022

Importance of Docker in .Net Core applications


Docker is an open-source platform for shipping, developing and running applications. It allows you to differentiate your applications from your infrastructure so you can software quickly. Docker runs containers which include the software and other additional things that the software needs to run.

Docker containers swaddle a piece of software in an entire filesystem that contains everything needed to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries. This assures that the software will always run the same, anyhow of its environment

With Docker, you can easily organize your infrastructure in similar ways you can manage your applications. By captivating advantage of Docker’s methodologies for shipping, testing, and deploying code quickly, you can remarkably diminish the delay between writing code and running it in production.

Docker in .net core applications

Docker architecture

Docker utilizes client-server architecture. The Docker client interacts with the Docker daemon, which does the massive lifting of running, building and distributing your Docker containers. The Docker client and daemon converse using a REST API, over UNIX sockets or a network interface.


Docker Architecture


Why docker is required in .NET applications?

  • Compatible and rapid delivery of your applications

Docker smoothen the development lifecycle by permitting developers to work in systematize environments using local containers that provide your applications and services.

Containers are prominent for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows. .Net core Developers can write code locally and stake their work with their colleagues using Docker containers.

You can also use docker to push the applications into a test environment and run automated and manual tests. When developers search bugs, they can fix them in the development environment and redeploy them to the test environment for testing and validation.

Fix to the customer is as simple as pushing the updated image to the production environment when testing ends

  • Flexible scaling and deployment

Docker containers can execute on a developer’s local laptop, on physical or virtual systems in a data center, on cloud suppliers, or in a combination of environments. Docker’s container-based platform permits for highly portable workloads.

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Docker’s flexibility and translucent nature also make it easy to vigorously manage workloads, escalating up or tearing down applications and services as business needs dictate, in near real-time.

  • Organizing more workloads on similar hardware

Docker is graceful and fast. It provides a feasible, cost-effective option to hypervisor-based virtual machines, so you can use more of your computer capacity to gain your business goals. Docker is ideal for high-density environments and for small and medium deployments where you need to do more with little resources and this is the reason that Docker is vastly used by many .Net development companies across the globe.

Wednesday 27 April 2022

What is new in .NET 5?

.NET is a seventeen years old open source technology. It offers web development, mobile development, windows applications, and many more services. After 2016 Microsoft launched new versions of the framework and we acquired more reliable functionality for development in the Mobile platform and web platforms.

 .NET is divided into three major sections which is shown below.

Figure 1.0 .Net Structure

.NET Framework

.NET framework is used for WPF, Windows Forms, and ASP.NET. It uses a class library for implementation. There is only disadvantage in the .NET framework, that is it supports only Windows OS or systems.

.NET Core

.Net Core is used for UWP and ASP.NET. It uses a core library for implementation and the most important benefit of .net core is that it is well convenient on all platforms.


Xamarin is a type of framework which is offered by .NET and it is used for cross-platform mobile development like android and ios. It is also used for windows applications but it is more admired for mobile application development.

.NET Standard Library

.Net Standard provides a common interface to runtime implementers. It makes sure that runtime supports the standard’s features and for component implementers so that they get perfect knowledge about the features they can utilize across platforms supported by .NET standard version.

Before the release of .NET 5.0, Old version was powerful but still it was difficult to handle different frameworks or libraries of .NET. So, Microsoft released the latest version .NET 5.0 on 10, November 2020. And it is a huge success release after the .net 4.8 frameworks in the .net era. .NET 5.0 is an open-source and cross-platform version. It replaces the .Net framework, .Net core, and xamarin in a single platform.

Figure 1.1 .Net 5.0 Unified Structure

As shown in the above image .Net 5.0 released with powerful features in .NET Framework. .NET 5.0 is ahead with .net core. .Net 5.0 provides the best of .Net core functionalities like:

  • Cross-platform implementation

  • Supports all platform features for .Net core, Xamarin, .Net framework

  • Fast, scalable and high performance

  • Decrease the size of the project file

  • Support for platform-specific features

.Net 5.0 provides many trending features from existing .net frameworks, it supports platform-specific features like windows form, WPF, and the native user interface features and hardware access on android as well as ios devices available when using xamarin and mono. .Net 5.0 fully supported by the visual studio, visual studio for mac, and visual studio code editors. .Net 5.0 is a unified platform that brings .Net everything under a single unified platform including major high-level libraries, type systems, run-time components, languages, and tools.

.Net 5.0 offers support for building high-performance cloud applications, the faster algorithm in the base class library, better support for containers in the runtime and support for HTTP3. And also support for WebAssembly binary format by mono runtime and .Net libraries. .Net 5.0 promises to allow developers to automatically find latent bugs in code. It provides the features include the binary floating-point that occupies 16 bits and assembly trimming, which is used for trims unused assemblies to reduce the size of applications.

.Net 5.0 provides application deployment options more better, within one click client application publishing, single-file apps, reduced container image size, and the addition of server core container images. C# 9 offers top-level programs and records then also F# 9 offers interactive programming and performance boost for functional programming on .Net.

.NET 5.0 Key Features

  • .Net 5.0 unified provides all things including windows, mac, web, mobile, clouding, IoT, gaming, machine learning, and data science.

  • It is managed by the open-source community and supported by Microsoft.

  • .Net 5.0 provides cross-platform with any of the device.

  • It is scalable, fast, and high performance.

  • Smaller deployment and packages.

  • .Net 5.0 supports all major platforms for .Net framework, .Net core, and xamarin including windows forms, WPF, UWP, ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, LINQ, and so on.

  • Provides IDEs and tools including visual studio, visual studio code, visual studio for mac, and command-line interface (CLI).

Features for developer

.NET 5.0 provides three major supports to developers

  1. Availability of Java interoperability across all platforms.
  2. Support for shift and objective-c interoperability across multiple operating systems
  3. CoreFx support to .Net static compilation of .NET (ahead-of-time)

Also available development features from .NET 5.0 framework that mention below.

Desktop Development

.Net 5.0 provides all key desktop development functionalities and libraries like Xamarin, WPF, Windows Forms, and UWP. The Windows desktop application adds some additional benefits including core runtime and API performance enhancement & deployment flexibility.

Mobile Development

.Net 5.0 provides mobile cross-platform development functionality at the same as the previous version. It develops applications for android, ios, tvOS, macOS, watchOS platform using xamarin. Xamarin uses XAML as a major UI programming language and C# as a backend language.

Cloud Development

.Net 5.0 provides azure app development with major functionality. It provides an easy way to develop software with azure. Azure Cloud has many tools and frameworks available for development, including Web API, ASP.Net, Azure databases, Docker containers, microservices, DevOps, and more.

Game Development

.Net 5.0 provides support for unity, developing games for mobile, Xbox, and other gaming platforms.

Runtime &Language

.Net 5.0 provides a runtime choice for CoreCLR and Mono. CoreCLR is .net core. It is used for Windows desktop applications, IoT, Machine learning, and cloud applications. Mono is an open source and cross-platform implementation. .Net 5.0 provides AOT and JIT compilation. AOT provides a small footprint, fast startup, and lower memory usage and JIT provides fast performance for development environments.

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Machine Learning

.Net 5.0 provides machine learning which is implemented by ML.NET. ML.NET provides end to end workflow for consuming ML into .NET apps across various steps of machine learning.

IOT and Device Development

.Net 5.0 provides support for Windows IoT devices and targets ARM32 and ARM64 both processors. UWP is used for building Windows devices applications running windows 10 IoT Core. The application can run on raspberry pi, minnowboard max, dragonboard 410c, and more.


.NET 5 will provide a single, unified platform for building any type of application. The company is directing half of the traffic to its .Net website traffic to a .NET 5 version as a test case, using Azure load-balancing.Microsoft recommends that developers build new applications with .NET Core 3.1 and then migrate them to .NET 5.

Tuesday 26 April 2022

What are the different ways of Binding in WPF?


What is Binding?

Binding is the most important topic for WPF. In this blog, we will discuss how and in which ways binding needs to be done.

The binding concept helps you to implement design rules into your project. WPF uses a Dependency property called Data Context property to set the source of binding.

Data binding is a mechanism in the WPF application which helps us to display run time data, which manages the run time data.

If you bind property and any other dependency property then it is known as binding for example, if we bind checkbox property to button property together then you can enable and disable the button with the help of binding.

We can bind it in many different ways depending upon project requirements which are mention below.

  • Datacontext binding

  • Property Binding with change notification from source

  • Property Binding with change notification from client

  • FallBack value

  • Element Binding

  • Binding with Converter

Datacontext binding

If any other source is not specified for data bindings then WPF by default searches the data Context.There’s are no default sources for the data Context property, you need to assign it some value otherwise binding will be null.So, whenever you are using binding you are binding with the data context of the corresponding element.

In WPF every framework element and every FrameworkContentElement has a DataContext property. DataContext is an object used as a data source during the binding, address by binding Path.

If you don’t specify a source property WPF search up the element tree starting at the current element.

In data context binding, you make object of your property and you get data by using that object. You can also use this object multiple times and you can access different data every-time you use it.

We use this to perform element property binding and when the project is being load, at that time by default it will be null, but as we run the project and as we use it, the data will be loaded. For this purpose, binding is performed and If we do not use the object than it will be null.

In data context binding, after binding the element we can set the value of the object at runtime which is also useful for designing. If we want to set property like height-width or background color of control to another control than we can easily do it by using data binding and by doing this it will save time as well as will have less lines of code.

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If you want to set the data to control by getting the data from one control without any change then you can do it by using source property. There is no need for extra functionality. You can use source property instead of data context.

Example: -

Gets or sets the object
public object Source { get; set; }
<src:person personname="Rock" x:key="myDataSource">
<label>The name you entered:</label>
<textblock text="{Binding Source={StaticResourcemyDataSource}, Path=PersonName}">

If you want to set the name of the object then you can do it through binding.

Relative Resource

This property is commonly used for binding one property of object to another property of the same object.

If we do not bind the property then it will conflict in the binding source and it will throw an exception.

Example: -

public System.Windows.Data.RelativeSourceRelativeSource { get; set; }
<trigger property="Validation.HasError" value="true">
<setter property="ToolTip" value="{Binding RelativeSource={x:StaticRelativeSource.Self},

Element name

If you want to set the property of one control through another control then we can do it by using element name. For Example, we can change the color of text-box through slider and we can also change the size of text-box.

Example: -

<code>public string ElementName{ get; set; } </code>

Data binding allows the flow of data when data binding starts the business model changes it, which UI element automatically changes.

There is a 2 way of data binding

  • One-way data binding
  • Two-way data binding

One-way data-binding

For data binding there are 2 controls, one source to control and target control, which data transfers.

Sources control updates target control data, in one-way binding if sources controller data changes then target control data automatically changes it.


<textbox height="40" margin="10" name="txtValue" text="{Binding ElementName=Slider, Path=Value, Mode=OneWay}" width="70">
<stackpanel orientation="Vertical">
<slider margin="20" maximum="100" minimum="10" name="Slider"></slider>
<textbox height="40" margin="10" name="txtValues" text="{Binding ElementName=Slider, Path=Value, Mode=OneWay}" width="60"></textbox>

Two-way data binding

In two way we can change data in sources control and target control. Target to source and source to target means if we change source control value then it will automatically change target control value. And vice-a versa for source control. That’s why it’s called two-way data binding.

for Example: -

<textbox height="60" margin="10" name="txtvalues" text="{Binding ElementName=Slider, Path=Value, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" width="30">
<stackpanel orientation="Vertical">
<separator borderbrush="Black" borderthickness="20"></separator>
<slider margin="20" maximum="100" minimum="0" name="Sliders3"></slider>
<textbox height="70" margin="10" name="txtvalues3" text="{Binding ElementName=Sliders3, Path=Value, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" width="40"></textbox>

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One Time

In one-time binding if you set value then we cannot change the value. Then it will be the final or final data set. Which initializes in run time. Like we cannot source to control.

You can change the value just only in the back-end, but in xmal, it will be the finale.

For Ex:-

txtvalues.Text = "10";
mySlider.Value = Convert.ToInt32(txtvalues.Text);

Fall back value

One of the best features of WPF is fallback value.Fallback is used when objects is unable to get data then it generates the exception at that time using fall back we can set a message and it’s an easy way to set a message.

Two types of fall-back value

  1. Target null value
  2. Fall back value

For example: -

public MainWindow()
this.DataContext = this;
emp.Name = null;
<columndefinition width="auto">
<columndefinition width="auto">
<label content="Name" width="auto">
<textbox grid.column="1" height="28" margin="0,6,0,50" text="{Binding EmployeeName,TargetNullValue='Oops, I am missing'}" width="100">

O/P: -





For example, we have seen that source data is coming null then it does not generate an exception and fall-back data will be set and view automatically, this s the main use of fall back in binding


If you use data context binding then it is not compulsory to use all the properties instead you can use the property you want. We hope you get a complete idea regarding the various ways of Binding in WPF.

Gets or sets the object 
  public object Source { get; set; }
      <src:person personname="Rock" x:key="myDataSource">
  <label>The name you entered:</label>
        <textblock text="{Binding Source={StaticResourcemyDataSource}, Path=PersonName}">
Gets or sets the object 
  public object Source { get; set; }
      <src:person personname="Rock" x:key="myDataSource">
  <label>The name you entered:</label>
        <textblock text="{Binding Source={StaticResourcemyDataSource}, Path=PersonName}">

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